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What is the Soundlib?

Jakatebel Soundlib is a semi-private archive of music for preservation/sharing purposes.

All songs on the website are collected for preservation purposes and are mostly in a good quality condition and/or have a lossless variant that is either on the website (shown as a lighter seekbar) or hidden to allow music companies to sell that somewhere else.

How it all started

The Soundlib originally started on July 20th 2020 as a project born from an inside joke about mimicking websites, trying to learn how they function and was fifth in the series (file sharing website, video sharing website, streaming sharing website, image sharing website and now a music sharing website!). Now it apparently is good enough to stand on it's own as a separate original project.

For questions you can visit the FAQ page.

If you are a developer and want to retreive data from the Soundlib you can visit the API page for information.

Both are listed in the navigation at the top of this page.