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Soundlib’s api does not require an api key for the time being

The api is located at https://jkbgl.net/soundlib/api.php


The main 2 arguments the api requires are t and q.

T is the type of query

Q is the query

The returned data will be in json format with 2 fields:

  • api_version – current api version
  • data – contains json string with the returned data from the api.


T = user

Q = {user}

Usage: https://jkbgl.net/soundlib/api.php?t=user&q={user}

Returns a soundlib user’s public data by username.

returned data:

field type
username string
first_name string
last_name string
website url
country string
city string
avatar url
cover url


T = track

Q = {track_id}

Usage: https://jkbgl.net/soundlib/api.php?t=track&q={track_id}

Returns info about a given soundlib track by id

returned data:

field type notes
id int none
title string none
description string none
cover url none
buy_link url none
copy string none
views int none
likes int none
tags string returns tag list separated by comma. (note: there will always be an extra one at the end.)
license int 0 - copy
{int} - creative commons type license
release_date date song release date
uploaded date soundlib upload date


T = playlist

Q = {playlist_id}

Usage: https://jkbgl.net/soundlib/api.php?t=playlist&q={playlist_id}

Returns the tracks in a soundlib playlist

returned data: (Note: the api will only return the last 30 songs from the given playlist.)

value description
{array} Array of all returned tracks

Each array item contains:

field type notes
id int none
title string none
description string none
cover url none
buy_link url none
copy string none
views int none
likes int none
tags string returns tag list separated by comma. (note: there will always be an extra one at the end.)
license int 0 - copy
{int} - creative commons type license
release_date date song release date
uploaded date soundlib upload date