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Q: What information does Soundlib collect?

A: Soundlib only collects required information to function (such as ip adresses and all information supplied by the user upon registration) and does not use any third party analytics or ads for the time being.

Q: How can I re-order my playlist?

A: Currently it is not possible to re-order playlists. The only way to do it for now is by removing all elements from the playlist and add them in a different order.

Q: How do I private a track or playlist?

A: Next to your playlist or track is a planet or a lock icon. The planet icon shows that the track is public and the lock icon shows that the track is hidden and only visible by you.

Q: Is there any way to upload multiple songs at once?

A: No.

Q: Will there be an Android/iOS mobile app?

A: It is uncertain. An android app was in the works but it broke very badly from library updates and the project was too big to fix alone, so I gave up for the time being.

Q: What does it mean when a song has a lighter seekbar than other songs?

A: It means that the current song is playing in high quality. (FLAC / WAV).

Q: How can I shuffle play?

A: Shuffle is only allowed for playlists due to limitations. You can go to the desired playlist's page and click the shuffle button on top to enable it.

Q: What formats does Soundlib allow?

A: For images: jpg, jpeg, gif, png - For tracks: flac, wav, mp3, ogg, m4a/mp4